Role of Naturopathy In Diabetese Treatment
Naturopathy aims to reduce high levels of glucose in the blood and bring it under control in a natural way. Naturopathy can help you in reversing your diabetes.
In diabetes, the body is not able to produce enough insulin, due to which there is an increase in sugar levels in the blood. It is important to note that drugs and medication are not very helpful in treating diabetes.
Here are some key elements of naturopathic treatment for diabetes:
Fasting and Diet Therapy:
Fasting therapy is one of the most effective cleansing treatments in naturopathy. Under the guidance of a naturopathic physician, different fasting therapies are recommended. This can include water fasting, limited consumption of coconut water or fruits, or even complete dry fasting.
Best Diet for Diabetes Patients:
A well-balanced alkaline diet that is rich in complex carbohydrates, and fiber, and low in fat is recommended. This type of diet helps avoid rapid spikes in blood glucose levels. Here are some dietary recommendations:
Fruits and Vegetables:
Diabetic Patients should have raw food items as they are richer in enzymes and vitamins. Green leafy vegetables are advisable for the patient. One should avoid cooked starchy foods, as they are quick to absorb by the body and can raise blood sugar levels.
Fig Leaves:
Fig leaves are known for their rich anti-diabetic properties. Boiling fig leaves in filtered water and drinking them like tea in the morning is an easy way to incorporate them into the daily routine.
Black Seed (Kilongji):
Widely used in Indian cooking and pickles, the black seed is known for its medicinal properties and can aid in the treatment of diabetes.
Fenugreek (Methi) Powder:
Taking Fenugreek powder in moderate quantities can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels.
Bitter Melon: Bitter melon contains insulin-like properties that help lower blood sugar levels. Consuming it in the form of juice or powdered seeds on an empty stomach in the morning can be helpful.
Jamun, bitter gourd, cucumber, and bottle gourd juices can also aid in managing blood sugar levels. Additionally, a daily dose of vitamin C can help normalize sugar levels.
Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy techniques can improve metabolic rate and help regulate blood sugar levels. Treatments such as warm water enemas, hip baths, immersion baths, foot and arm baths, steam baths, and abdomen packs are used to cleanse and detoxify the body of accumulated toxins.
Mud Therapy: Mud therapy helps balance the digestive system with the endocrinal organs. By applying a mud pack on the abdomen, blood circulation increases, inner congestion is relieved, and morbid toxins are eliminated from the body.
Massage Therapy:
Massage therapy is considered a passive exercise that improves the activities of the circulatory and nervous systems. It helps relax the muscles and reduces stress.
Yoga and Pranayama:
Yoga and Pranayama (breathing exercises) are integral parts of naturopathy treatment for diabetes. Pranayam can also help you in controlling your diabetes like:
Anulom-vilom, ujjayi, Bhramari, Bhastrika and kapalbharti.
Brisk Walk: Engaging in a 30-45 minute brisk walk can help regulate blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy body weight.
Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, has been used for centuries to treat various diseases. In the case of diabetes, yellow and green colors are used. Yellow stimulates the pancreas, while green stimulates the thyroid glands and aids in toxin elimination from the body.
Note: Naturopathy treatment should be performed under the guidance of a qualified doctor. You can also visit Naturopathy centers that offer these services. Some of the naturopathy centre are: Sanjeevani Kaya shodhan Sansthan, Jindal Naturecure, Kerela Naturopathy Centre etc.